The Science and Interculturality Magazine is a journal for inter - scientific and intercultural dialog of the University of the Autonomous Regions of the Nicaraguan Caribbean Coast (URACCAN). ISSN: Printed Version: 1997 – 9231. Online Version: 2223 – 6260. It has a semiannual periodicity. The first issue is from January to June and is published on July 1st and the second number, from July to December, is published on January 1st. The objective of Science and Interculturality is to share and disseminate knowledge, knowings and practices through unpublished articles and critical review, which contribute to various areas of knowledge, with emphasis on issues related to interculturality, and specifically from a perspective of multidisciplinarity in education; Linguistic and Cultural Revitalization; Intercultural Health, Gender and Interculturality; Social Sciences; Humanities; Natural Resources and Environment; Engineering and Technology; Farming; and Indigenous and Afro-descendant Culture.

Current Issue

Vol 34 No 1 (2024)
Published: 2025-01-18
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